Erion Plaku is a Program Director at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Directorate for
Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and the Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS).
At NSF, Dr. Plaku is part of the Robust Intelligence cluster and co-leads the National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes program.
Prior to joining NSF, Dr. Plaku was an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer
Science at George Mason University (2020-2023) and in the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the Catholic University of America (2010–2020). Dr. Plaku received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Rice University (2008). He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics at Johns Hopkins University (2008–2010).
This course aims to make accessible to students fundamental principles in
classical and modern approaches related to robot motion planning and the representation and use of geometric
models acquired from sensor data. Two common themes will run throughout the course:
How can the robot automatically plan and execute a sequence of motions that avoids collision with obstacles and
accomplishes the assigned task?
How can the robot use sensor-based information to determine its own state and model the world?
These themes and the related algorithms will be presented in the context of practical applications arising in diverse
areas such as mobile systems, navigation and exploration, robot manipulation, computer animation, video games,
computational biology, and medicine.
Many of the lectures are accompanied by demo programs to illustrate the various concepts and algorithms. Since some of these can be assigned as programming projects for grading purposes, I have not made them publicly available. If you are an instructor and are interested in the lectures/projects/exams, send an email to me to obtain LaTeX source files for the lectures/exams as well as solutions to the programming projects and additional support code to illustrate the various algorithms.
Implement potential field planners
in the case of rigid bodies and manipulator chains
Your implementation should also contain strategies for escaping
local minima when the robot gets stuck. One possibility is to
considerably increase the repulsive potential in order to push the robot away
from the obstacle. Another one is to move in a random direction
away from the obstacle. You could also try adding other artificial
goal/obstacle points to guide the robot away from the real
obstacles and toward the real goal.
Implementation can be done in C/C++ or MATLAB on top of the provided support code
Environment consists of a robot, a goal region represented as a
circle, and several obstacles represented as circles as
well. Graphical interface supports the dynamic addition and
displacement of obstacles and goal. A new obstacle can be added at any
time by pressing down the left button of the mouse. Each obstacle and
the goal can be moved around by clicking inside them and holding the
left button down while moving the mouse. To run the planner, user
needs to press the key 'p' on the keyboard. Pressing 'p' again toggles
between running and stopping the planner. User can change the radius
of each obstacle and the goal by first pressing the key 'r' and then
clicking inside an obstacle/goal, holding the left-button down while
moving the mouse. Pressing 'r' again toggles between editing radius
or moving the obstacles and the goal.
Implementation Notes: Rigid Body
Simulator provides access to goal center, goal radius, number of
obstacles, current robot configuration (robot x, robot y, robot
theta), and vertices of the polygon representing the robot.
Simulator also computes the closest point on the i-th obstacle for any
given point (x, y), see function ClosestPointOnObstacle
When computing the potential, it is recommended that you use each
vertex of the polygon robot as a control point.
For each control
point (xj, yj), you should then
compute its Jacobian matrix Jacj
compute the workspace gradient (wsgi) to each obstacle
[In my implementation, wsgi is zero if the
distance from (xj, yj) to the closest point on the i-th obstacle is larger than a
small constant. I then scale the gradient in order to ensure that
the robot gets pushed away when coming
close to the obstacles. You may need to play around in order to
figure out by how much to scale the gradient in order to get the
desired behavior.]
use the Jacobian matrix to transform wsgi into a
configuration space gradient csgi, which is then added to
the overall configuration space gradient csg
compute the workspace gradient to the goal, scale it appropriately,
transform it into a configuration space gradient via the Jacobian,
and add it to the overall configuration space gradient
Now that the overall configuration space gradient has been
computed, scale it so that you make a small move in x and y and a
small move in theta. Recall that the robot should always move in
direction opposite to the gradient.
If using C++ support code, you should implement the
function ConfigurationMove in the
class RigidBodyPlanner. This function should
return RigidBodyMove, which represents a small move (dx, dy,
dtheta) by the robot.
If using Matlab support code, you should implement the
function RigidBodyPlanner.
Implementation Notes: Manipulator Chain
Environment consists of a 2d manipulator chain, a goal region
represented as a circle, and several obstacles represented as circles
as well.
Simulator provides access to goal center, goal radius, number of
obstacles, and start and end positions of each link in the chain.
Simulator also computes the closest point on the i-th obstacle for any
given point (x, y), see function ClosestPointOnObstacle
Moreover, simulator also implements Forward Kinematics, see
function FK.
When computing the potential, it is recommended that you use the end
position of each chain link as a control point. You should follow a
similar approach as in the case of rigid bodies. One difference is
that in the case of the manipulator chain, the attractive potential
should be computed only between the end effector (last point in the
chain) and the goal and not between any intermediate links and the
goal. In this way, the potential will guide the end effector and not
the intermediate links toward the goal. The repulsive potential, as in
the case of rigid bodies, should be computed between the end of each
link and each obstacle.
Important: You can use an equivalent but easier to compute
definition of the Jacobian. In this definition the partial derivative
of the forward kinematics of the end position of the j-th joint with
respect to the i-th joint angle with i <= j is given as
x = -LinkEndY(j) + LinkStartY(i)
y = LinkEndX(j) - LinkStartX(i)
If using C++ support code, you should implement the
function ConfigurationMove in the
class ManipPlanner. This function should compute small moves
for each link angle.
If using Matlab support code, you should implement the
function ManipPlanner.
Support Code: C++
Support code can be found in CppRigidBodyPFP and CppManipPFP
To compile the code inside each directory use similar steps as in
the case of the bug algorithms in project 1
The rigid body program can be run on Windows as
bin\Debug\Planner.exe robotL.txt and on Linux/MacOS as
bin/Planner robotL.txt
where the argument is the name of the robot file. You can use one of
the provided files or create your own.
The manipulator chain program can be run on Windows as
bin\Debug\Planner.exe nrLinks linkLength and on Linux/MacOS as
bin/Planner nrLinks linkLength
where nrLinks is a positive integer representing the number of
links and linkLength is a positive real representing the length
of each link.
Support Code: MATLAB
Support code can be found in MatlabRigidBodyPFP and MatlabManipPFP
The rigid body program can be run as
where the argument is the name of the robot file. You can use one of
the provided files or create your own.
The manipulator chain program can be run as
RunManipPlanner(nrLinks, linkLength)
where nrLinks is a positive integer representing the number of
links and linkLength is a positive real representing the length
of each link.
In this project, you will implement several sampling-based motion
ExtendTree(vid, sto) (40pts)
Function should extend the tree from the vertex with
index vid to the state sto
Each step should be small, i.e., as specified by distOneStep
Each valid intermediate step should be added to the tree
Function should stop if an invalid intermediate step is
encountered or if the goal is reached
ExtendRandom() (15pts)
Function should select the random state sto from the
goal region with small probability p = 0.1 and from the
entire bounding box with probability 1 - p (using
the SampleState function)
Function should select the vertex vid uniformly at random from all the
tree vertices
After selections are made, function calls ExtendTree(vid, sto)
ExtendRRT() (20pts)
Function should select the random state sto as
described in ExtendRandom
Function should select the vertex vid as the
closest tree vertex to sto
After selections are made, function calls ExtendTree(vid, sto)
ExtendEST() (15pts)
Function should select the random state sto as
described in ExtendRandom
Function should select the vertex vid with
probability proportional to a weight defined in terms of the
number of children coming out of vertex vid
After selections are made, function calls ExtendTree(vid, sto)
ExtendMyApproach() (20pts)
Your approach should show some originality
It should at least outperform ExtendRandom and ExtendEST
Written Report with your Approach Description and Experimental Results
If not properly done, up to -15pts will be taken off
Report should include high-level description of your
approach as well as pseudo-code
When describing your approach, you should highlight its
advantages and disadvantages over the other
Experimental results will be obtained by running each
method on each provided scene for at least ten
times. If a run takes more than ten minutes, you should
stop it. You will then present in a table (for each
combination of method and scene) the average time, mean
time, and the percentage of solutions
Environment consists of a robot, a goal, and obstacles (all
represented as circles). Graphical interface supports the dynamic
addition and displacement of obstacles and goal. A new obstacle can be
added at any time by pressing down the left-button of the mouse. Each
obstacle and the goal can be moved around by clicking inside them and
holding the left-button down while moving the mouse. User can change
the radius of each obstacle and the goal by first pressing the key 'r'
and then clicking inside an obstacle/goal, holding the left-button
down while moving the mouse. Pressing 'r' again toggles between
editing radius or moving the obstacles and the goal.
First edit the scene and then run the planner. Do not make changes
to the scene once the planner has started. Also do not change the
initial position of the robot via the graphical interface, but use
instead the input text file.
ExtendRandom can be run by pressing 1
ExtendRRT can be run by pressing 2
ExtendEST can be run by pressing 3
ExtendMyApproach can be run by pressing 4
Pressing 'p' toggles
between running and stopping the planner.
Support Code: C++
Support code can be found in CppMP
To compile the code inside each directory use similar steps as in
the case of the bug algorithms in project 1
The rigid body program can be run on Windows as
bin\Debug\Planner.exe Scene1.txt and on Linux/MacOS as
bin/Planner Scene1.txt
where the argument is the name of the input file. You can use one of
the provided files or create your own.
Support Code: MATLAB
Support code can be found in MatlabMP
The program can be run as
where the argument is the name of the input file. You can use one of
the provided files or create your own.
Use the ESC key to terminate program and then close figure window
For the final project, you can work on your own or with at most two other students. Each team can select from the list of final projects described below or propose their own.
Motion Planning for Robots with Differential Constraints
Robot motions need to obey physical constraints due to underlying robot dynamics, e.g., a car cannot just move in any direction.
To account for physical constraints, robot motions are often expressed as a set of differential equations
x' = f(x, u)
where x denotes the state of the robot and u denotes the input control applied to the robot. The state can be thought of
as augmented configuration, which describes velocity, steering wheel angle, and other components in addition to the robot
position and orientation. The control u is an external input that is applied to the robot to control its motions. For example, car
is controlled by applying acceleration and rotational velocity of steering wheel.
For the final project, you could implement a sampling-based approach to solve the motion-planning problem in the case of
robots with differential constraints.
Motion Planning for Multiple Robots
Given several robots Robot1,...,RobotN, initial configurations
qinit1,...,qinitN, and goal configurations qgoal1,...,qgoalN
the objective is to compute for each Roboti a path from qiniti to qgoali that avoids collisions not only with the obstacles but also with the other robots.
Motion-planning approaches for multiple robots can be divided into three categories: centralized planning, decoupled planning,
and prioritized planning.
Centralized planning treats the robots as just one robot whose configuration space
consists of the composition of the configuration spaces of all the individual robots
Decoupled planning first plans paths for each robot from its initial to its goal configuration such that the path
avoids collisions with obstacles. When planning for the i-th robot all the other robots are completely ignored. At a second
stage, the individual robot paths are coordinated so that collisions among robots are also avoided.
Prioritized planning provides an in-between strategy. Similar to decoupled planning, paths are planned for each
robot individually. However, when planning the path for the i-th robot, prioritized approaches treat the robots
1,...,i-1 as moving obstacles. The objective is then to plan the path for the i-th robot so that not only avoids collisions
with the obstacles but it also avoids collisions with the previous robots which are moving according to their planned paths
For the final project, you could implement one of the above approaches.
Manipulation Planning
The objective in manipulation planning is to be able for the robot to grasp an object and place it in a different configuration
while avoiding collisions with obstacles. Note that as part of the solution it may be necessary for the robot to temporarily lay
the object on the ground and re-grasp it at a different position.
For the final project, you could implement a sampling-based approach for manipulation-planning problems. In particular,
you could implement FuzzyPRM (Nielson, Kavraki: “A two Level Fuzzy PRM for Manipulation Planning”, IROS 2000, pp.
1716–1722), which has been shown to effectively solve manipulation-planning problems.
In this setting, the objective is to estimate the global pose of the robot based on a model of its motions and sensor measurements.
You can use various approaches, such as Kalman filters, Particle filters, etc.